This research work investigates the Roles of Agricultural sectors on Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria. The research work analyses and describes the past methods of agricultural development In Nigeria and this helps to know the current dispensation and the possible direction that could be followed in the future. From the finding of this research work, it was observed that if the sector is well funded, it will provide the needed raw materials for the industrial sector, increase capacity utilization, reduce unemployment rate in the economy and will guarantee food security. Also, the revenue from the sector has influence on economic growth in Nigeria. Thus, the paper conclude by recommending that government needs to participate and play major roles in the agricultural sector in other to promote and enhance the performance of the sector and invariably add to economic growth of the nation.
This study was carried out to examine the effects of teachers qualification on students academ...
In the interest of providing some context, it is important to point out that the primary focus of thi...
The term ‘unemployment’ can be defined as an economic condition marked by the fact that individuals actively seeking...
The study examined lecturers’ job performance and internal efficiency in publicly owned universities in South-west, Nigeri...
The study investigated the perceived causes and effects of divorce among the married and divorced couples in Gaya local governme...
ABSTRACT: Enhancing vocational education through virtual internships offers innovative opportunities for students to gain practical experience...
Biology is a branch of science that studies life. According to Maduabum (2006),...
Abstract: This study investigates cross-cultural perspectives on early childhood curriculum development in Nigeri...
ABSTRACT: Innovations in Virtual Reality Simulations for Vocational Training are revolutionizing the way students acquire practical skills. Th...
Peter Langard stated that the most proprietors of small&nb...